Quarks are the point-like fundamental building blocks of hadrons, strongly-interacting particles. Quarks were first suggested by Gell-Mann and Zweig, to explain patterns observed in the hadronic spectra. Their existence has since been conclusively established by a series of subsequent beautiful experiments, recognized by several Nobel Prizes. Quarks are confined into hadrons by the strong interactions. Typical hadrons are baryons, like the proton and the neutron, consisting of three quarks, or mesons containing a quark and an antiquark.
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions also allows for the existence of unusual, "exotic" hadrons, such as tetraquarks and pentaquarks. The discovery of dozens of exotic hadrons during the past 20 years has led to a renaissance in hadron spectroscopy. In July 2021 the LHCb Collaboration announced the discovery of a new type of exotic hadron -- a doubly-charmed tetraquark $T_{cc}^+$, whose mass agrees precisely with a 2017 theoretical prediction. I will discuss the recent related experimental and theoretical developments regarding new types of hadrons involving heavy quarks: tetraquark and pentaquark hadronic molecules, doubly heavy baryons, stable tetraquarks and others.
Marek Karliner教授任职于以色列特拉维夫大学,是粒子物理理论专家;近期成果包括对多种奇特强子态,即四夸克态和五夸克态性质的理论预言,其结果先后被欧洲核子研究中心和美国、中国、日本的多个大型实验验证。Marek Karliner教授现任特拉维夫大学粒子和场理论物理“Edouard and Francoise Jaupart”讲席教授;自2015起,担任特拉维夫大学高等研究院主任;2017年,当选为波兰艺术与科学学院外籍院士;自2021年起,担任以色列高能物理委员会主席和欧洲核子研究中心的以色列科学代表,并当选波兰华沙大学监事会成员。2023年4月,当选以色列物理学会会士。


安刘攀 anlp@pku.edu.cn