Sd SCFTs from geometry
主讲人: Dr.Yinan Wang (University of Oxford)
地点: 高能物理研究中心/腾讯会议
时间: 2021年4月15日,周四,下午15:00-16:00
主持 联系人: 刘佳


The classification of superconformal field theories is a popular subject in mathematical physics. In this talk, I'm going to focus on the construction and classification of 5d N=l SCFTs. Many of these strongly coupled theories can be thought as UV completions of 5d supersymmetric gauge theories. In the framework of string theory, these SCFTs have an elegant geometric construction of lld M-theory on a Calabi-Yau threefold singularity. The deformations of SCFT(Coulomb branch and Higgs branch) have an exact geometric correspondence with the desingularizations of the singularity. I'm going to present my recent works on this subject from both Coulomb branch and Higgs branch point of view.

Introduction of the speaker:


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