2021年10月15日,9159金沙申请大厅学术论坛2021年秋季学期第二讲(总第十讲)在物理西楼思源多功能厅成功举行。萨克雷大学教授、北京计算科学研究中心讲座教授、《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters)首席编辑(lead editor)Hugues Chaté应邀远程做了题为“二维活性物质的长程序”(Long-range orientational order in 2D active matter)的学术报告。本次论坛由9159金沙申请大厅凝聚态物理与材料物理研究所副所长全海涛教授主持。



9159金沙申请大厅党委书记杨金波教授为Hugues Chaté教授颁发了论坛专属纪念品,本期论坛线上、线下同步进行。9159金沙申请大厅副院长彭良友教授、院长助理李新征教授等和来自校内相关院系的近六十名师生参与现场交流,通过蔻享学术平台观看直播的观众近1200人次。
Hugues Chaté is a Research Director at French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Paris-Saclay, a Chair Professor at Beijing Computational Science Research Center and the Lead Editor of Physical Review Letters. He obtained his Ph. D. in 1989 from Université Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris. After a short postdoctoral stay at Bell Laboratories, he joined the condensed matter physics department in Saclay. He was the leader of the Advanced Study Group “Statistical Physics of Collective Motion” at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany. He has been selected as The Recruitment Program of Global Experts, American Physical Society Fellow (2014). Hugues Chaté’s research covers a wide range of topics ranging from nonlinear dynamics to statistical physics and critical phenomena. He has played a seminal role in the development of the field of active matter, with key papers published on minimal models and their theoretical understanding as well as works in collaborations with leading experimentalists working on animal collective behavior, bacteria colonies, and in vitro mixtures of biofilaments and motor proteins. Hugues Chaté has written over 160 scientific papers, with about a third published in Physical Review Letters.