最近,俞大鹏教授和张家森教授继续合作,由博士生朱新利等提出了利用反射镜的高度调控开放圆柱形表面等离激元纳米腔中色散和场局域的方法,对研究纳米光子学器件及光与物质的相互作用等方面有着重要的意义。他们对一系列顶部具有开放窗口的圆柱形纳米腔中表面等离激元的模式和共振进行了研究,发现通过改变作为反射器的纳米腔壁的高度可以对共振波长进行有效的调控。数值模拟表明,纳米腔高度较小时,电磁场从腔中溢出,减弱了腔对电磁场的局域作用,导致共振波长蓝移;而纳米腔的高度较大时,电磁场完全被局域于腔中,可以获得大的品质因子。实验中获得的最大的品质因子为73,最大的Purcell因子为71。他们在研究中还发现,对于较高的纳米腔可以形成光学垂直腔模式,这种光学垂直腔和表面等离激元纳米腔模式的共存可以进一步调控腔的共振特性,甚至获得Fano共振。这些结果将在研究荧光粒子与局域电磁场的相互作用及纳米激光器等方面有着重要的应用。该论文于7月13日发表在《ACS Nano》 (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn201916n) 的网络版上。ACS NANO现在的影响因子为9.855.

Figure: Spontaneous excitation of plasmonic resonant modes and
vertical cavity resonant modes in Ag nanocavity via CL spectroscopy
analysis. (a-e) CL spectra of nanocavities with 80, 150, 250,430,
and 550 nm heights, respectively. The numbers on the right side of
the figures indicate the diameters of the cavities in nm. The
spectra were obtained when the electron beam was incident near the
centers of the cavities. The plasmonic modes are classified and
indicated with blue dotted lines and characters, respectively.
Spectra are offset vertically for clarity. (f) Typical monochromatic
CL image at a resonant wavelength of 698 nm for a cavity with a 490
nm diameter. (g-i) Typical monochromatic CL images at resonant
wavelengths of 681, 528, and 501nmfor a cavity with a 765nmdiameter,
respectively. The red dashed circles show the boundaries of the
cavities. Scale bars are 500 nm. (j-m) Calculated intensity patterns
of the out-of-plane electric components for the plasmonic modes (0,
1), (1, 1), (2, 1), and (0, 2), respectively. (n, o) Dispersions of
plasmonic modes (0, 1) and (1, 1) in the nanocavities. The gray and
black lines respectively represent the dispersions of light in
vacuum and SPPs on an infinite Ag film.